Our Story

Our story began in 2020 when churches had to close their doors during the pandemic. A small group who had been meeting as a bible study decided to start meeting at Meadowlake park in the Woodlands on Sunday mornings to hear the Word and fellowship safely. Men took turns preaching the word each Sunday where families & friends would bring their chairs or sit on the picnic benches to hear the gospel. We can’t describe the energy from that first morning.

The sweetness of Sundays in the park prompted us to ask the Lord if what he had started as a weekly bible study group was now Him opening the door to become a church. After seeking the Lord through prayer and seeking counsel from local church leaders for a year, we officially launched as a church in April of 2022.

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

– Acts 2:42

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